Sunday, 6 July 2014

list of the top ten plants

list of the top ten plants that are as versatile as they are effective.
• Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) - soothes indigestion and colic, eases tension, and is good for skin irritations.
• Echinacea - boosts the immune system, and lessens the severity of colds and flu
• Lavender - calms and relaxes, eases pain and is antiseptic for cuts and bruises.
• Lemon balm - soothes nervous tension and anxiety, promotes sleep, and is good for cold sores.
• Marigold (Calendula officinalis) - good for sunburn, and for acne and spots, soothes ulcers and digestive problems.
• Peppermint - good for digestion, wind and headaches.
• Rosemary - helps memory and concentration, improves mood, sweetens breath.
• Sage - for coughs, colds and congestion, hot flushes.
• St John's Wort - anti-depressant and promotes skin healing
• Viola (Viola tricolor) - anti-inflammatory, good for eczema and skin eruptions, and loosens phlegm.

AntiBiotics facts

10 facts about antibiotics
1. Antibiotics are derived from microorganisms, which presumably synthesize them as defensive compounds.
2. When Alexander Fleming first isolated penicillin from the fungus Penicillium (1928), he called it "mould juice." When mass-produced for WWII, it was nicknamed, "The Wonder Drug"
3. There are reports of moldy bread being used to treat wounds to prevent infection. That is not the origin of "Wonder Bread," though.
4. Some antibiotics cause side effects due to their effect on our mitochondria, which are bacteria.
5. 10% of Americans believe antibiotics are addictive. Same % believe antibiotics are ineffective treatment for bacterial infections.
6. Approximately 1/3 of adults in the United States believe that antibiotics can also kill viruses.
7. The biggest consumers of antibiotics are farm animals. Second biggest user is children (who are usually sick with viruses).
8. Prescription of antibiotics to people with viral infections contributes to the evolution of drug-resistant bacteria, which kill tens of thousands each year and cost us billions in health care expenses.
9. The word "antibiotic" (actually "antibiotique") was first used in late 1800s. It meant, "destructive to microorganisms." Most dictionaries, including Google's, retain this original definition.
10. In 1942, Selman Waksman (who stole the discovery of a bacteriaderived antibacterial from his graduate student, Albert Israel Schatz) began using "antibiotics" to refer to compounds that kill only

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Hi dear friends; i was busy in some projects so not give proper time to my blog now i am little bit free and I am back after few days.....

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Causes of extinction of Black buck

PRACTICAL “Causes of extinction of species”:
Extinction of species is defined as ‘When all the members of a same species become extinct or decline from the earth is called the extinction of this species’
According to IUCN Extinction of species is defined as ‘No individual has been observed from 50 years of a species’
When we talk about the causes of extinction of species then we consider the following points given below
Ø  Habitat loss
Ø  Limitations of resources
Ø  Hunting
Ø  Introduction of exotic species
Ø  Natural disaster
Ø  Human impact
Ø  Predation
Ø  Environmental changes or Climatic changes
Ø  Diseases
Ø  Competition
a)      Inter specific
b)      Intra specific
These are the major causes of extinction of species because every ecosystem is depend upon the food chain and food web, any kind of change in chain cause going to unsustainability of ecosystem. Conservation is essential to protect our biodiversity.
Visit to biodiversity park of Drawer Fort:
When we visit to Biodiversity Park of drawer fort to find the number of species which become extinct up to that time then we observe that or come to know that Black buck is the major species in this park which is fully extincted. Then now the major point is to explain the causes of extinction of Black buck in this park. After visit we observe the fallowing causes of extinction of this species so
Causes of extinction of Black buck:
1)      Habitat loss
2)      Hunting
3)      Diseases
4)      Rainfall
5)      Human Impact
6)      Harsh Climate
1)    Habitat Loss
Habitat loss is one of the important factor taking part in extinction of species. When we study the extinction of black buck species in Cholistan then the main question arising in our mind are:
i) How habitat destruction takes place
ii) Effect of Habitat loss on Black buck species
iii) Restoration of Habitat will cause extinction or not?
How Habitat destruction occur:
Habitat is the space or place where an individual live. So Destruction of habitat loss will be the disturbance in place where living organism live i.e Disturbance in Black buck Habitat. Human impact is the main cause of Habitat destruction and harsh climate due to low rainfall in this desert area.
Effect of Habitat loss on Black buck species
As we know that habitat is the place where an individual live so habitat loss will cause the Extinction of black buck species. Thus extinction is the effect of habitat loss on the black buck species. 
Restoration of Habitat will cause extinction or not?
The question here is that reforestation of habitat will cause extinction or not? The answer of this question lie in the fact that both reforestation and deforestation cause change in the biodiversity and this harmful change  is the respond to imbalance in ecosystem and leads to the extinction of aerated species e.g Black buck extinction in Dirawar Fort.
2)    Hunting :
Hunting is the illegal killing of organisms for the purpose of food and money. So it is also a factor that also take part in the extinction of Black buck species. Peoples of this area are not too much civilized so they don’t know the hunting may leads to the extinction of this species forever. They hunt black buck and now this species become extinct in Desert area of Dirawar fort. 
3)    Diseases :
Diseases are some sort of abnormalities in living organisms which may lead to the death of this organisms so after observing the field of this desert we can say that diseases are also factors cause the extinction of Black buck  
4)    Rainfall :
Rainfall is also a important factor because it is responsible for humidity of air, temperature of air or environment, (pressure which take part in flow of air) and plant diversity of environment because water is essential for existence of every type of life. So including all these things which are interconnected to each other relatively cause the extinction of black buck in the biodiversity of Dirawar fort. Here there are two possibilities
Ø  Lowest rainfall in the history of desert of Dirawar fort is 
Ø  Highest rainfall in the history of desert of Dirawar fort is
Average rainfall : 12 cm (5 inch) per year
5)    Human impact :
Due to lack awareness to the importance of biodiversity humans living over there perform hunting and kill many of animals for the source of food. This activity of humans affect the living species i.e Black buck. Humans also cause deforestation which cause desertification as well as extinction.
6)    Harsh Climate :

Harsh climate includes the low rainfall and very high temperature of the desert environment which is also a main factor of extinction of black buck species in the biodiversity of Dirawar fort desert.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Organismic overview and thier classification i.e kingdom based structural overview:

Organismic overview and thier classification i.e kingdom based structural overview:
 1-Prokaryotes (Monera) organisms which are not have well defined nucleous are prokaryotes. e.g bacteria and cayanobacteria.
 2-Protista (now is Protoctista) Organisms which are algae and protozons are considered in this catagory.
>Algae are plant like organisms e.g chalamydomonas
>protozons are animal like organisms. e.g Amoeba
Now this kingdom is called protoctista because it also contains unicellular plants and animals in it.
 3-Fugai organisms which are hetrotrophic in nature and some are sprophytic in nature and show special or unique types of reprodutions. e.g mashrome
 4-plantae Eukaryotic,autotrophic, and multicellular organisms which can produce through Asexua,sexual and vegetative way of reproduction are called plants which are organisms of kingdom plantae.
 e.g Funaria,
Mosses plants,
Liverworts plants
Hornwort plants
Hoursetail like plants
Bringle plant 
Pea plant 
Casia fistula 
Capsicum anum 
Cilliarous plants etc
5-Animalia Eukaryotic, Heterotrophic and multicellular organisms which can produce through the sexual way of reproduction.
E.g Dolphin

Kangroo etc

Monday, 10 March 2014



Pan> Whole ‘complete’ > “Encompassing” (Aahata krna or include krna in urdu language)
Genesis> Birth “Origin”
So Pangenesis is defined as

“Pangenesis is one of the theory of Heredity proposed by Charles Darwin in his book ‘Variations in animals and plants under domestications’ published in 1868, In which he explain the Whole origin of life.”

Can say that “ Phenomenon encompassing the birth or origin of life” 


Friday, 28 February 2014

What are plants

Plants are multicellular eukaryotic autotroph organisms that can reproduce through Vegetative reproduction, Asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction.

Saturday, 22 February 2014


Zoology(Gr. zoon , logos, to study) is the study of animals. It is one of the broadest fields in all of science because of the immense variety of animals and the complexity of the processes occurring within animals. There are, for example, over 20,000 described species of bony fishes and over 300,000 described (and many more un described ) species of beetles! It is no wonder that zoologists usually specialize in one or more of the sub disciplines of zoology. They may study  particular  functional,  structural,  or  ecological  aspects  of  one  or  more  animal  groups (table 1.1), or they may choose to specialize in a particular group of animals (table 1.2). Ichthyology,  for  example,  is  the  study  of  fishes,  and  ichthyologists  work  to understand the structure, function, ecology, and evolution of fishes. These studies have uncovered an amazing diversity of fishes. One large group, the cichlids, is found in Africa (1,000 species), Central and South America (300 species), India (3 species) and North America (1 species). Members of this group have an enormous variety of color patterns (figure  1.1),  habitats,  and  body  forms.  Ichthyologists  have  described  a  wide  variety  of feeding habits in cichlids. These fish include algae scrapers, like Eretmodu , that nip algae with chisel-like teeth; insect pickers, like Tang anicodus; and scale eaters, like Perissodus. All cichlids have two pairs of jaws. The mouth jaws are used for scraping or nipping food, and the throat jaws are used for crushing or macerating food before it is swallowed .Many cichlids mouth brood their young. A female takes eggs into her mouth after the eggs are spawned. She then inhales sperm released by the male, and fertilization and development take place within the female’s mouth! Even after the eggs hatch, young are taken back into the mouth of the female if danger threatens (figure 1.2). Hundreds of variations in color pattern, body form, and behavior in this family of fishes illustrate the remarkable diversity present in one relatively small branch of the animal kingdom. Zoologists are working around the world to understand and preserve the enormous diversity.

Miller−Harley: Zoology, Fifth Edition.

What the science Basically is?

Science is a methodical approach to studying the natural world. Science asks basic questions, such as how does the world work? How did the world come to be? What was the world like in the past, what is it like now, and what will it be like in the future? These questions are answered using observation, testing, and interpretation through logic.


Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Why most cells are small


Most cells are small and can be seen only with the aid of a microscope.  (Exceptions include the eggs  of  most  vertebrates  [fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and birds] and some long nerve cells.) One reason for the smallness of cells is that the ratio of the volume of the cell’s nucleus to the volume of its cytoplasm must not be so small that the nucleus, the cell’s major control center, cannot control the cytoplasm. Another aspect of cell volume works to limit cell size. As the radius of a cell lengthens, cell volume increases more rapidly than cell surface area (figure 2.3). The need for nutrients and the rate of waste production are proportional to cell volume. The cell takes up nutrients and eliminates wastes through its surface plasma membrane. If cell volume becomes too large, the surface area-to-volume ratio is too small for an adequate exchange of nutrients and wastes.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Summary of development of frog

Summary of development of frog:
1-      Egg + zygote = fertilization
2-      Zygote = rapid division of cells
3-      Meurola= formation of blastocells
4-      Blastolla= gestrolation
5-      Gestrolla= elongation of embryo and formation of neural tubes 
6-      Neurolla= development of tails and gills
7-      Tadepol= metamorphosis -->  adult frog


The Hardy- Weinberg theorem of population:

The Hardy- Weinberg theorem:
In 1908, English mathematician Godfrey H. Hardy and German physician Wilhelm Weinberg independently derived a mathematical model describing what happens to the relative frequency of alleles in a sexually reproducing population over time. Their combined ideas became known as the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem. It states that the mixing of alleles at meiosis and their subsequent recombination do not alter the relative frequencies of the alleles in future generations, if certain assumptions  are met. Stated another way, if certain assumptions are  met, evolution will not occur because the relative allelic frequencies will not change from generation to generation, even though the specific mixes of alleles in individuals may vary.
The assumptions of he Theorem are:
1-      Population size must be large. Large size ensures that gene frequency will not change by chance alone.
2-      Individuals cannot migrate into or out of the population. Migration may introduce new alleles into the gene pool or add or delete copies of existing alleles.
3-      Mutations must not occur. If they do, mutational equilibrium must exist. Mutational equilibrium exists when mutation from the wild type allel to a mutant forn is balanced by the mutation from the mutant form back to the wild type. In either case, no new genes are introduced into the population from the sources.
4-      Sexual reproduction within the population must be random. Every individuals must have and equal chance of mating with any other individuals in the population. If this condition is not fulfilled then some individuals are more likely too reproduced than others, and natural selection may occur.

These assumptions must be met if allelic frequencies are not changing that is if evolution is not occurring. Clearly, these assumptions are restrictive and few, if any real population meet them. This mean that most population are evolving.The Hard-Weinberg Theorem does provide a useful theoretical frame work for examining changes in allelic frequencies in population.


Main aspects for assignment on concept of evolution are
→ Theories of evolution
→ Homologue and analogue
→ Evidances of evolution
→ Hardy Weinberg Theorm
→ Fossil and fossilization
→Types of frog and their geological scale
“The formation of complex organisms from simple one ,with the passage of time is known as the process of evolution”
Many scientists made many hypothesis for the concept of evolution,some historical aspects about evolution are given below
1-ARISTOTLE (322-384)B.C
He described concepts of change in living organisms over time.
2-Georges-Louis Buffon(1707-1788)
He spent many years studying comparative anatomy. His observations of structural variations in particular organs of related animals convinced him that change must have occurred during the history of life on earth. Buffon attributed change in organisms to the action of the environment. He believed in a special creation of species and considered change as being degenerate. For example, he described apes as degenerate humans.
3-Eramus Darwin(1731-1802)
A Physician and the grandfather of Charles Darwin, was intensely interested in questions of origin and change. He believed in the common ancestry of all organisms.
4- Jean Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1892)       
He was a distinguished French zoologist. His contributions to zoology include important studies of animal classification. Lamarck published a set of invertebrate zoology books. His theory was based on a widely accepted theory of inheritance that organisms develop new organs, or modify existing organs. Lamarck believed that “ need “ was dictated by environmental change and that change involved movement toward perfection. The idea that change in a species is directed by need logically led Lamarck to the conclusion that species could not become extinct, they simply  evolved into different species.
Lamarck illustrated his ideas of change with the often-quoted example of giraffe. He contended that ancestral giraffes had short necks, much like those of any other mammal. Straining to reach higher branches during browsing resulted in their acquiring higher shoulders and longer necks. These modifications, produced in one generation, were passed on to the next generation. Lamarck published his theory in 1802 and included it in one of his invertebrate zoology books, Philosophie Zoo (1809). He defended his ideas in spite of intense social criticism.
Lamarck’s acceptance of a theory of inheritance that we now know is not correct led him to erroneous conclusions about how evolution occurs. There is no evidence that changes in the environment can initiate changes in organisms that can be passed on to future generations. Instead, change originates in the process of gamete formation.
Homology and Analogy:
Structures and processes of organisms may be alike. There are two reasons for similarities, and both cases provide evidence of evolution. Resemblance may occur when two unrelated organisms adapt to similar conditions. For example, adaption for flight have produced flat, gliding surfaces in the wings of birds and insects. These similarities indicate that independent evolution in these two groups of animals to exploit a common aerial environment. The evolution of superficially similar structures in unrelated organisms is called convergent evolution, and the similar structures are said to be analogous.
Resemblances may also occur because two organisms share a common ancestry. Structures and processes in two kinds of organisms that are derived from common ancestry are said to be homologous. Homology can involve aspects of an organism’s structure, and these homologies are studied in the discipline called comparative anatomy. Homology can also involve aspects of animal development and function and homologous processes are studied using techniques of molecular biology.
Evidences of evolution:
It was the geographical distribution of species---- biogeography---- that first suggested the idea of evolution to Darwin. Islands have many species of plants and neighboring island. Consider armadillos, the armored mammals that live only in America. The evolutionary view of biogeography predicts that contemporary armadillos record confirms that such ancestors existed.
The Fossil Record:
The succession of fossil forms is a strong evidences in favour of evolution. It provides a visual record in a complete series showing the evolution of an organism. For instance, evidence from biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology places prokaryotes as the ancestors of all life and predicts and bacteria should precede all eukaryotic life in the fossil record. Indeed, the oldest known fossils are prokaryotes.
Comparative Anatomy:
Anatomical similarities between species grouped in the same taxonomic category bring another support  to the theory of the Descent with modification. For example, the same skeletal elements make up the forelimbs of human, cats, whales, bats, and all other mammals, although these appendages have very different functions. The basic similarity of these forelimbs is the consequence of the descent of all mammals from the common ancestor. The arms, wings, flippers, and forelegs of different mammals are variations on a common anatomical theme that has been modified for divergent functions. Similarities in characteristics resulting from common ancestry is known as homology, and such anatomical signs of evolution are called homologous structures. Common anatomy supports that evolution is a remodeling process in which ancestral structures that functioned in one capacity become modified as they take on new functions. The flower parts of a flowering plant are homologous. They are considered to have evolved from leaves to form sepals, petals, stamens and carpels.
The oldest homologous structures are vestigial organs, rudimentary structures of marginal, if any use to the organism. Vestigial organs are historical remnants of structures that had important functions in ancestors but are no longer essential presently.
Comparative Embroyology:
Closely related organisms go through similar stages in their embryonic development. For example, all vertebrate embryos go through a stage in which they have gill pouches on the slides of their throats. At embryonic stage of development, similarities between fishes, frogs, snakes, birds, humans, and all other vertebrates are much more apparent than differences. As development progresses, the various vertebrates diverge more and more, taking on the distinctive characteristics of their classes.

Molecular biology:
Evolutionary relationships among species are reflected in their DNA and proteins--- in their genes and gene products. If two species have genes and copied from a common ancestor. For example, a common genetic code brings evidence that all life is related. Molecular biology thus provided strong evidence in support of evolution as the basis for the unity and diversity of life.
                        Stephen A. Miller and John P. Harley 8th edition 

Amaltas plant with their mature seeds

Amaltos plant in 1st figure and second figure contains the mature seeds of this plant (Casia fistula)

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

List of wild animals

               Crow                                       Corvus bennetti    (Australiain crow)
               Lizard                                      Central bearded dragon, Pogona vitticeps
               Chinkara deer                           Gazella gazelle
               Jackal                                      Canis aureus
               Rabbit                                     Oryctologus  coniculus  
               Porcupine                                Hystrix indica
               African lion                              Panthera leo
               Wild boar                                 Sus scrafa
               Mongoose                               Helogale parvula
               Cobra Snack                           Ophiophagus hannah          
               Fox                                         Vulpus vulpus      
               House sparrow                         Passer domesticus
               Rat                                          Rattus norvigicus
               Jungle cat                                 Fellis chaus
               Parrot                                      Psittacus erithacus (African Grey Parrot )
               Green Pigeon                           Columba livia
               Crocodile                                Crocodylus talusens
               Dolphin                                   Delphinus delphis
               Black bear                               Selenarctos thibetanus
               Leopard (tiger)                        Panthera pardus

Monday, 13 January 2014


More than half of all the organic carbon on planet Earth in stored in just two carbohydrates molecules-Starch and cellulose. Both are the polymers of the sugar monomer, glucose.
The only different between them is the manner in which the glucose units are joined together.
When the word ‘’carbohydrate’’ was coined, it originally referred to compounds of the general formula Can (H2O2)n, However, only the simple sugars, or mono-saccharides, fit this formula exactly.
ü Monosaccharaides: Structure and Stereochemistry:-
A Monosaccharaides can be a poly hydroxyl aldehyde (aldose) or a poly hydroxyl ketone (ketoses). The simplest Monosaccharaides contain three carbon atoms are called trioses (tri meaning three). Glyceraldehyde is the aldose with three carbon (an aldose triose), and di hydroxyl acetone is the ketose with three carbon atoms (a keto triose).
Six-carbon sugars are the most abundant in nature, but to five-carbon sugars, ribose and
deoxyribose occur in the structures of RNA and DNA, respectively. Four-carbon and seven-carbon sugars play roles in photosynthesis and other metabolic pathways.
Ø Cyclic Structures: Anomers
Sugars, especially those with five and six carbons atoms, normally exist as cyclic molecules rather than as the open-chain forms. They cy-citation takes place as a result of interaction between for functional groups on distant carbons such as C-1 and C-5 to form a cyclic hemiacetal (in aldohexoses). Another possibility in interaction beyween C-2 and C-5 to form a cyclic hemiketal (in ketohexoses). In either case, the carbonyl carbon becomes a new chiral center called the enomeric carbon. The cyclic sugar can take either of tow different forms, designated a and B, and are called anomers of each other.
ü Oligosaccharides:
Oligomers of sugars frequently occur as disaccharides, form by linking tow monosaccharide’s units by glycosides’ bonds. They are sucrose, lactose and maltose.
Sucrose is the common table sugar extracted from sugarcane and sugar beets. The Monosaccharaides units that make up sucrose are a-D glucose and B-D-fructose. Glucose (an aldohexoses) is a pyranose, and fructose (a ketohexoses) is a furanose. The a C-1 carbon of the glucose is linked to the B C-2 carbon of the fructose in a glycosidic linkage that has the notation Ab (1-2). Sucrose is not a reducing sugar because both anomeric groups.
Lactose is disaccharides made up of B-D-galactose and D-glucose, Galactose is the C-4 epimer of glucose. In other words, the only difference between glucose and galactose is inversion of configuration at C-4.

ü Polysaccharides:
Polysaccharides that occur in organisms are usually composed of a very few types monosaccharide components. A polymer that consists of only one type of monosaccharide is a homopolysaccharide. Glucose is the most common monomer. Cellulose and chitin are polysaccharides with B-glycosidic linkages and are structural materials. Starch and glycogen, also polysaccharides, have a-glycosidic linkages, and serve as carbohydrates storage polymers in plants and animals, respectively.
·        Chitin:
Polysaccharides that is similar to cellulose in both structure and function is chitin, which is also a linear homopolysaccharides with all the residues linked in B (1-4) glycosides’ bonds. Chitin differs from cellulose in the nature of the monosaccharide unit; in cellulose the monomer is B-D-glucose, and in chitin the monomer is N-acetyl-B-D-glucosamine.
·        Glycoproteins:
Glycoproteins contain carbohydrates residues in addition on the polypeptide chain, some of the most important example of glycoproteins are involved in the immune response; for example, antibodies.

The structures of proteins determine Their Functions

Ø The structures of proteins determine Their Functions:
·        Levels of Structure in Proteins:
Biologically active proteins are polymers consisting of amino acids linked by covalent peptide bonds. Many different conformations (three-dimensional structures) are possible for a molecule as large as a protein. Of these many structures, one or, at most. A few have biological activity; these are called the native conformations. Many proteins have no obvious regular repeating structure. As a consequence, these proteins as are frequently described as having large segments of “random structure” (also referred to as random coil). The term random is really a misnomer, since the same nonrepeating structures found in the native conformation of all molecules of a given proteins, and this conformation is needed for its proper function. Because proteins are complex, they are defined in terms of four levels of structure.
v  Primary Structure:-
                                        Primary structure is the order in which the amino acids are covalently linked together, The peptide Leo-Glee-Thru-Val-Argo-Asp-His (recall that the N-terminal amino acids is listed first) has a different primary structure from the peptide Val-His-Asp-Leo-Argo-Thru, even though both have the same number and kinds of amino acids. Note that the order of amino acids can be written on one line. The primary structure is the one-dimensional first step in specifying the three- dimensional structure of protein.
Two three- dimensional aspects of a single Polypeptide chain, called the secondary and tertiary structure, can be considered separately. Secondary structure is the arrangement in space of the atoms in the peptide Backbone. The a-helix and B-pleated sheet arrangements are tow different types of secondary structure. Secondary structures have repetitive interactions resulting from hydrogen bonding between the amide N-H and the carbonyl groups of the peptide backbone. In my proteins, the folding of parts of the chain can occur independently of the folding of other parts. Such independently folded portions of proteins are referred to as domains or super-secondary structure.

v Tertiary Structure:-
                                        Tertiary structure includes the three- dimensional arrangement of all the atoms in the proteins, including those in the side chains and in any prosthetic groups (groups of atoms other than amino acids).
A protein is consisting of multiple polypeptide chains called subunits. The arrangements of subunits respect to one another are the quaternary structure. Interaction between subunits is mediated by monovalent interactions, such as hydrogen bonds, electrostatic attractions, and hydrophobic interactions.
v Quaternary Structure of Proteins:
Each chain is called a subunit. The number of chains can range from tow to more than a dozen, and the chains may be identical of different. Commonly occurring examples are dimmers, timers, and tetramers, consisting of two, three, and four polypeptide chains, respectively. The generic term for such a molecule, made up of a small number of subunits, is oligomer.
o   Hemoglobin:
Hemoglobin is a tetramer, consisting of four polypeptide chains, tow a-chains and tow B-chains (Figure 4.20). The overall structure of hemoglobin is A2B2 in Greek letter notation. Both the a-and B-chains of hemoglobin are very similar to the myoglobin chain. The a-chain is 141 residues long, and the B-chain is 146 residues long; for comparison, the myoglobin chain is 153 residues long. Manu of the amino acids of the a-chain the B-chain and myoglobin are homologous; that is, the same amino acid residues are in the same positions. The heme group is the same in myoglobin and hemoglobin.

o   Myoglobin: An Example of protein structure:-
                                                                                                Myoglobin was the first protein for which the complete tertiary structure was determined by X-ray crystallography. The complete myoglobin consists of a single polypeptide chain of 153 amino acid residues and includes a prosthetic group, the heme group, which also occurs in hemoglobin. The myoglobin molecule (Including a heme group) has a compact structure, with the interior atoms very close to each other. This structure provides examples of many of the force responsible for the three-dimensional shapes of proteins. In myoglobin, three are eight a-helical regions and no B-pleated sheet regions.